William Haggar, Fairground Film-Maker

    ... is the title of a book by Haggar's great-grandson, Peter Yorke, which was published on 8th May 2007. William Haggar became one of Britain's select band of cinema pioneers when, in 1901, he began making films to show to his own audiences on the fairgrounds of South Wales. Telling his story and containing much information on Victorian portable theatres, fairground bioscope shows, and Haggar's films, this book is a "must" for anyone interested in the popular entertainment of 100 years ago.

Publication Details

Publisher:  Accent Press
Price:        £9.99
Format:     Paperback.
ISBN:       978 1905 170 876

Also Available for Kindle at Amazon
Price:        £3.83
Format:     Kindle

Picture: William Haggar (1924) Picture: William Haggar filmed advertising his show
William Haggar William Haggar filmed advertising his show